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Bunions Unveiled

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Bunions Unveiled.

Bunions Unveiled: Causes, Symptoms, and Modern Treatment Options

Bunions are a common foot condition that can be quite painful and cause discomfort in everyday life. A bunion is a bony bump that forms at the base of the big toe joint, and it can become red, swollen, and painful. Bunions often make it difficult to find comfortable shoes, as they can cause friction and pressure.

Understanding Bunions

Bunions, medically known as hallux valgus, are bony bumps that form on the joint at the base of the big toe. This condition develops when the big toe leans toward the second toe, causing the joint to protrude. There are various factors that can cause bunions. Genetics can play a role, as some people are more prone to developing bunions due to inherited foot structure. Wearing tight shoes that squeeze the toes and push them together can also cause bunions. Additionally, foot injuries, arthritis, and nerve problems can contribute to bunion formation.

Symptoms of Bunions

● Visible Bump: A noticeable bump on the joint at the base of the big toe.

● Pain and Discomfort: The affected area may become red, swollen, and tender, causing pain during movement or when wearing certain shoes.

● Limited Toe Movement: Bunions can restrict the normal range of motion of the big toe.

Modern Treatment Options

Treatment options for bunions vary depending on the severity of the condition. Mild bunions may be managed by simply wearing shoes with a wider toe box and padding the bunion. Over-the-counter pain medications, like acetaminophen or ibuprofen, can also help alleviate pain.

More severe bunions may require medical intervention. Your podiatrist may recommend custom shoe inserts, or orthotics, that redistribute pressure on the foot and help correct the underlying foot structure that causes bunions. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to correct the position of the big toe and remove the bony bump.

Preventive Measures

Preventing bunions is possible by taking good care of your feet. Choose shoes that fit well and have a wide toe box to give your toes plenty of room to move. Avoid wearing high heels or shoes that are too tight, as they can compress the toes and contribute to bunion formation. Strengthening the foot muscles can also help prevent bunions by providing better support for the foot structure.


Bunions can be painful and limit your mobility. If you're experiencing discomfort in your feet, it's important to see a podiatrist for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Your podiatrist can provide you with customized solutions to help manage the pain and prevent bunions from worsening. With proper care and attention, you can enjoy a pain-free, active lifestyle.

If you are suffering with heel, foot, or ankle pain, book an appointment with us to seek guidance on further medical treatment or call us (718) 617- 6338. Visit Dr. Cohen and Dr. Garcha at one of our many convenient locations in the Bronx, Queens, or Rockland County, New York.